Monday, December 14, 2009

Late Night Posting with Brandon McNeil!

3:21 a.m.  and I am up doing stuff for a class that shouldn't be happening in about 9 hours.  Well, that's what happens when I decide to take Lynne Foster.  I am in the midst of doing a crap-tastic illustration of African queens that I sure hope she does not pick for survey.  I did an illustration earlier in about 8 hours for her that I hope gets picked for it.  I really hate the week leading up to survey.  So much just piles on top of my schedule.  Such crap as an 8-10 page paper I haven't even started.  I'm so frustrated right now about this dumb crap.  The stuff that matters most will not even get any attention until around Tuesday.  I HATE CLASSES THAT DON'T COUNT!!!  I also need the credits for this dumb Anthropology class.  I should pay someone to do my paper.  I honestly would rather focus on more important work.

My survey is Thursday and I am going to be prepared for it no matter what.  I got foam core and cloth so my stuff will look good.  I must return to my slave work.  Good night.

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