Saturday, February 6, 2010

Feb. 6, 2010

Finished my first illustration for this semester.  Responding to the Massachusetts turning republican.
First sketches
Revised sketches
Early stages - general wash over broad areas.  Ultramarine wash first over drawing, then a burnt umber wash over brick area.  Left bucket untouched.  Started filling in bricks with zinc white and zinc white/hansa yellow medium.

Brick stage - painted bricks around drawing of the state showing through paint.

Wash and bucket stage - to make sure the bricks don't have a sharp contrast I applied a zinc white wash over the area.  I also painted in the concrete sidewalk, brush and bucket.
Democratic paint stage - In order to make it seem like the red was applied over the blue I did what made sense: apply the blue down first.

finishing touches - dropped the red down over the blue.  added detail to the bucket and brush along with the bricks on the red state area.

Massachusetts Turned Red

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