Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Owl?///June 21, 2011

Idk, I decided to ink an owl. I want to wheat paste it on something (legal, in case you authority type figures are reading) like Masonite?

Has to be finished first.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Car Garage///June 19, 2011

More updates from the garage.  More has been done in my absence.

Still working on some tattoos.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Rapture?///March 21, 2011

Least of my worries (if there are any).

Here is something I did a few months ago and put on hold.  It was put into a frame and hung on the wall for a while.  The frame ended up falling a couple nights ago.  So I was finally able to document.  R.I.P. Ikea frame.

Car club tonight?  Will update when I get back.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Tattoo?///March 20, 2011

Yup.  Thinking about finally drawing an idea for a tattoo that I always thought I'd want.  I am still thinking on whether or not I'd get it.  Anyways it's going to be a remake of my family crest.

original crest

I'll probably do the finish in ink.

Also, Judgment Day tomorrow?  What will everyone do?  I'll be working and hopefully not be overwhelmed by crazy people.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

home///May 5, 2011

Hey fellers,

I'm currently at home so I won't be doing anything on here for a couple of days.



Thursday, April 28, 2011

wall///April 28, 2011

Just an update.  Next work session this Saturday.  I should do smaller stuff in the mean time.

Friday, April 22, 2011

April, 21 2011///...


So I've been busy making money at a normal job and haven't done much with my skills.  I actually have my schedule so I can do stuff outside of a normal job (like art?) and finally can come back to this.

With out further delay I present to you something involving my skills.

Just a little something I did for a little while in between minecraft and job.  It's not much but I am still looking at models and drawing.  Another thing I have been doing is a Mural for the Manhattan Classic Car Club.

I am working with a couple other students from FIT and SVA and with...

Fred Harper.

It's an exciting piece of news for me and I hope it can blossom into something else.  In the mean time I will keep drawing and maybe come up with a painting.  We'll see.